Phoca SEF component version 1.0.0 beta was released. This component doesn't create SEF links. It is a small component which has three main functions:

  • Storing links from sites which end with 404 Error
  • Redirecting selected site which ends with 404 Error to new site
  • Storing refering sites.

Using this component should be useful e.g. if you did some alternation on your site and your links will be changed (upgrade of Joomla! version, enabled SEF, enabled mod_rewrite, changed structure of content, ...) or if you need to find wrong links on your site. This component stores links from sites which end with 404 Error, so you can set new site where obsolete site will be redirect (301 redirection) to. Searching sites with wrong links (sites which refer to your site) will be simple if you enable "Storing referring sites" parameter. Then you get information about obsolete site and about the referring site too. If the referring site is located on your server, you can fix wrong links on this site very quickly.

For successfully running of this component, Joomla! core file needs to be edited and Search Engine Friendly URLs needs to be enabled in Global Configuration of Joomla!
See documentation for getting more information.