Sometime you need to change collation in your database. You must change collation for database, for all tables in the database and for all columns in all tables in the database. It can be time consuming, so you can use the following php script:

Unzip the zip file and copy the folder 'tool_phoca_changing_collation' into your server (localhost). Run the index.php script included in the 'Collation' folder. Add the following information into the form:

  • Database hostname (e.g. localhost)
  • Database username
  • Database password
  • Database name
  • Database collation (add here the collation you want to have for the database, all tables and all columns in all tables.

Please, run this script only if you know what you do. If you have an extensive database, you must change the script execution time in your php settings, because 30 seconds to execute this script can be not enough.