There are many possible reasons why Google ads are not displayed on the website. Some of them are related to the website settings, some to the Google policies, and some to the technical issues. Here are some of the most common causes and how to fix them:

  • The website is not verified by Google. To display Google ads, the website owner needs to verify their site with Google Search Console and request a review from Google AdSense. This process can take up to 48 hours.
  • The website violates the Google AdSense program policies. Google has strict rules about the content, design, and behavior of the websites that use its ads. If the website contains prohibited content, such as adult, violent, or illegal material, or if it uses deceptive or intrusive practices, such as pop-ups, auto-play videos, or malware, Google may disable the ads or suspend the account.
  • The ad code is not implemented correctly. The website owner needs to copy and paste the ad code from Google AdSense to their website without modifying it. If the code is altered, incomplete, or placed in the wrong location, the ads may not show up. The website owner can use the Google AdSense code inspector tool to check for errors and fix them.
  • The ad unit is not responsive or adaptive. Google recommends using responsive or adaptive ad units that automatically adjust to the size and layout of the website and the device. If the ad unit is fixed or custom-sized, it may not fit the available space on the website or the screen resolution of the user. This can cause the ads to be cropped, distorted, or hidden.
  • The width of the potential ads box is not known. Sometimes, the website may use a dynamic layout that changes depending on the content or user interaction. In this case, the width of the potential ads box may not be known in advance or may vary during the page load. This can prevent Google from serving relevant and well-fitting ads. To solve this problem, the website owner can use a placeholder element with a fixed width and height to reserve space for the ads, or use a responsive ad unit that adapts to the available space.

If you are using the Phoca Google AdSense Easy module and suspect that your ads are not displaying because of the last mentioned point, try specifying some width to the ad box.

In the module settings, navigate to the Advanced tab and fill in the CSS Style parameter. For example, for a vertical ad, enter the following value: min-width:25vw;

Phoca Google AdSense Easy module - CSS style parameter


Save and check if the ad has started to display.