Guestbook 4.0.0 - PHP error message when no emailing is possible

Phoca Guestbook - creating guestbooks in Joomla! CMS
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Guestbook 4.0.0 - PHP error message when no emailing is possible

Post by StavrosZ »

When I submit a new post on my localhost website copy, though the message is posted correctly in the "Phoca Guestbook --> Posts", a PHP error page is displayed with error code "2 - Could not instantiate mail function.", probably because I don't have a mail functionality on my localhost development server.
I have not tested it yet on my online production server which has mail functionality.

Setting "Phoca Guestbook --> Options --> General --> Send Email --> - No User -" does not seem to give any relief. Phoca Guestbook still seems to want to send email somewhere (indeed ... to where?).

The Phoca Guestbook version for Joomla 3 does not present the above problems.
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Re: Guestbook 4.0.0 - PHP error message when no emailing is possible

Post by Jan »

Hi, there were no changes regarding emailing. Emails are sent per Joomla core function, so the message is displayed by Joomla core. :idea:

No user just means, the email will be not sent anywhere. It is Joomla core button which is here to remove some current value - as the field is set by Joomla core and is not editable, there is a way to clean the form field.

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