Do Phoca Favicon use JQuery or Mootools Library

Phoca Favicon - simple creation of favicon in Joomla! CMS
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Do Phoca Favicon use JQuery or Mootools Library

Post by ICIT »

Greetings Phoca Community

My Question: Do Phoca Favicon use JQuery if so, do it load in "Non Conflict Mode"?


My add to cart button will not respond at all on my site "using Tienda". I'd check Tienda forum and they mention that custom Templates or Extentions sometimes use JQuery Libraries. They requested that I follow with the developers, and check if the JQuery libraries are loading in "Non Conflict Mode". If not they must be in order for it to work right. I have no way of knowning how to check or where to start.

Can you provide syntax and what file to change to correct issue if Phoca Favicon use JQuery Library

Any Help in this area would be greatly appreciated my website is almost finished and I'm stuck.

Joomla ver. 1.5.22
Phoca Favicon ver. 1.0.1
Browser IE 9 Beta and latest Mozzilla firerfox ver. 3.6.13

Thank You,

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Re: Do Phoca Favicon use JQuery or Mootools Library

Post by Jan »

Hi, Phoca Favicon do not use JQuery.

Phoca Favicon uses Joomla! framework and it is possible that some of Joomla! framework method uses the standard mootools library in Joomla! But it is very very unlikely as Phoca Favicon does not work in frontend so cannot conflict with other extensions on the frontend site, in fact it cannot be in conflict in backend too as it is not loaded if other extension is working.

Mostly system plugins and modules can be in conflict because they are loading in the same time as e.g. component in frontend.

So answer to your question: Phoca Favicon which does not work in frontend is the latest extension which can be in conflict with oter extension (not working in frontend, not using jquery, not using mootools directly)

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Re: Do Phoca Favicon use JQuery or Mootools Library

Post by ICIT »

Thank you Jan
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Re: Do Phoca Favicon use JQuery or Mootools Library

Post by Jan »

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