We migrated our site to use ssl and redirected all of the former http pages to the https versions.
Because of this, Facebook reseted all of our likes, now the counters show 0 everywhere.
The solution would be to show the old urls in og:url tag. (I mean, the http versions, not the https versions).
Can you share the code to display the http://mysite/subpagexxxx instead of https://mysite/subpagexxxx?
I think I need to mod these lines, but don't know how:
Code: Select all
if ($this->params->get('url'.$suffix, '') != '') {
plgContentPhocaOpenGraphHelper::renderTag('og:url', $this->params->get('url'.$suffix, ''), $type);
} else {
//} else if ((int)$row->id > 0) {
//$url = ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($row->id);
//$document->setMetadata('og:url', JRoute::_($url));
$uri = JFactory::getURI();
plgContentPhocaOpenGraphHelper::renderTag('og:url', $uri->toString(), $type);
https://orbitingweb.com/blog/http-to-ht ... ook-likes/
or here:
https://appscreo.com/recover-facebook-s ... -httpsssl/)